Marine Mapping

We provide marine raster charts and marine theme vector datasets from OceanWise, the renowned authority in the field of marine mapping data and comprehensive solutions for the marine and coastal environment. We work with national hydrographic offices and other key agencies to offer you the widest range of authoritative marine data.

Accurate, up-to-date, and delivered the way you need it: this is everything you need in a comprehensive marine data package, with the support of experts to guarantee you’ll be getting the most value from the information you’re using.

Data products are available for UK & Irish waters and beyond and are supplied as half-degree 'tiles' for bespoke or complete chart areas.

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Image (C) Crown Copyright, 2023. All Rights reserved. Licence no. EK001.

What kind of data is available for Marine Mapping?

Raster Charts

Raster Charts provide electronic versions of familiar nautical paper charts and are derived under licence from the UK, and other, Hydrographic Offices.  They can be opened using any image viewer software and are geo-referenced for use in geographical information systems (GIS).  

Raster Charts are ideal for applications where a set of familiar features and related symbology is required for reference or as a backdrop to other data. 

Raster Charts are available at Large Scale for estuaries and harbours (greater than 1:30 000), Medium Scale for coastal waters (1:30 000 to 1:150 000) and Small Scale for sea areas (Less than 1:150 000).

Raster Charts XL (Excluding Land)

Raster Charts XL (Excluding Land) are Raster Charts with the usual mustard-shaded land areas removed so that customers can pair charts with land mapping of their choice.


Marine Theme Vector

Marine Theme Vector products are provided as individual themed layers and contains feature attributes designed with analysis and querying in mind. Chart boundaries have been removed to create a seamless, simplified dataset with unique identifiers for data linking.  There are eight layers describing geographical regions, administrative areas, transport routes, industrial facilities, obstructions and shipwrecks, elevation, sea-bed geology and tides and tidal currents.

Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a separate, seabed surface model, comprising detailed and accurate data of the seabed.  The dataset utilises the most recent, commercially available single and multi-beam survey and LiDAR data, assessed and carefully selected in a deconfliction process.  A coverage layer is also available to ensure the source of the data is always clearly defined.

International Marine Mapping

International Marine Mapping is also available for selected regions worldwide depending on international agreements. Please contact us to confirm availability for your area-of-interest.

Our Marine Mapping products

Below you'll find a selection of some of the best-selling products available through our online Marine Shop.

Choose Marine Themes, Marine Themes Features, Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model, Marine Raster Charts (with or without land), Marine Geology, Marine Web Map Services and International Marine Mapping. Browse the collection, below, and contact us if you require assistance with any of our products. Our support teams are on hand to guide you through your marine mapping purchase. 

Marine Themes

Ideal for general situation awareness, planning, site selection and investigation and outline engineering design.

Product Details

Marine Themes are supplied as half-degree tiles for your area of interest.

OceanWise Marine Themes Bundle
Provides a collection of Oceanwise products at the 
largest scale available for a selected area of interest, comprising Marine Themes Elevation and Marine Theme Regions data along with scale-independent Marine Theme Feature layers for obstructions and shipwrecks, military practice & exercise areas (PEXA), transport networks, industrial facilities and administrative areas.  These layers are also available separately. Not to be used for navigation. 

OceanWise Marine Themes Elevation
Provides subtidal, intertidal and land areas, contour areas and spot soundings to the largest scale available for a selected area-of-interest (Large, Medium or Small scale).  Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise Marine Themes Regions
Provides names of subtidal and intertidal areas, and other geographical or topographical features of public or historical interest to the largest scale available for a selected area-of-interest. Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Marine Themes DEM is a seamless, seabed surface model, comprising detailed and accurate data of the seabed. The dataset utilises the most recent, commercially available single and multi-beam survey and LiDAR data, assessed and carefully selected in a deconfliction process. A coverage layer is also available to ensure the source of the data is always clearly defined. The product is supplied as half-degree tiles where available (1 arc second) along with two-degree tiles (6 arc seconds) included in the price. Not to be used for navigation.

Licence: PDF

Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
UK waters
From greater than 1:30 000 (harbours, ports) to less than 1:150 000 (sea areas)
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

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Sample data is provided for evaluations purposes only - coming soon.

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Marine Themes Features

Scale independent, individual themed layers containing marine feature attributes for spatial analysis and data linking.

Product Details

Engineered into logical data layers for easy loading and use in desktop and web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  Data attributes have been designed with analysis and querying in mind and chart boundaries have been removed to create a seamless, simplified dataset across charts.  The data is derived from source data where available and supplied as half-degree tiles for a selected area of interest.

OceanWise MTF Obstructions & Wrecks
Indicates sunken ships and other disused man-made objects, including objects being re-used for another purpose and those of historical interest. Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF PEXA (Military Practice & Exercise Areas)
indicates designated areas which are used for training and defence purposes by the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the MoD. These include areas used for low level flying/bombing sorties, amphibious landing practice, live firing and demolition firing exercises.  Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF Transport
indicates transport routes/networks and related infrastructure, including aids to navigation such as beacons, buoys and light marks (floats/vessels). Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF Industrial Facilities
indicates production, industrial, aquaculture and research facilities, including harbour facilities, hydrocarbon and renewable energy infrastructure, submarine cables and equipment for environmental monitoring. Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF Administrative & Management Units
indicates areas of administration, governance, and management at international, national, regional, and local levels. Includes national boundaries, dumping sites, safety and prohibition zones and regulated fairways. Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF Geology
indicates geological units including bedrock features and seabed sediments at 1:250 000 scale, along with attribute information for use in GIS (e.g. data age, material composition, categories and source date).  Not to be used for navigation.

Oceanwise MTF Tides and Tidal Currents
Indicates tide-related features including stations and streams. Not to be used for navigation.

OceanWise MTF PEXA (Military Practice & Excercise Areas)
Indicates designated areas which are used for training and defence purposes by the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the Ministry of Defence (MoD). These include areas used for low level flying/bombing sorties, amphibious landing practice, live firing and demolition firing exercises. 

Licence: PDF

Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
UK waters
Scale independent
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

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Sample data is provided for evaluation purposes only - coming soon.

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Marine Themes Sea Bed DEM

A seamless, seabed surface digital elevation model (DEM) at 1 and 6 arc seconds - gridded bathymetry - for UK Continental Shelf.

Product Details

OceanWise Marine Themes Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Marine Themes DEM is a seamless, seabed surface model, comprising detailed and accurate data of the seabed. The dataset utilises the most recent, commercially available single and multi-beam survey and LiDAR data, assessed and carefully selected in a deconfliction process. A coverage layer is also available to ensure the source of the data is always clearly defined.

The product is supplied as half-degree tiles where available (1 arc second) along with two-degree tiles (6 arc seconds) in other areas. Not to be used for navigation.


Licence: PDF

Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
UK Waters
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
Within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

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Sample data is provided for evaluations purposes only - ASC

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Marine Raster Charts

Electronic versions of familiar nautical paper charts supplied as half-degree tiles at the largest scale available for whole chart area or for a selected area of interest.

Product Details

​OceanWise Marine Raster Charts
Electronic versions of familiar nautical paper charts and are derived under licence from the UK, and other, Hydrographic Offices. They can be opened using any image viewer software and are geo-referenced for use in geographical information systems (GIS). Raster Charts are ideal for applications where a set of familiar features and related symbology is required for reference or as a backdrop to other data.

Raster Charts are available in different scales in different sea areas. They are available at Large Scale for estuaries and harbours (greater than 1:30 000), Medium Scale for coastal waters (1:30 000 to 1:150 000) and Small Scale for sea areas (Less than 1:150 000).

Raster Charts are supplied as half-degree tiles in GeoTIFF format at the largest scales available for whole chart areas or for a selected area of interest (and may also include smaller scale data included in the price).

Not to be used for navigation.

Licence: PDF


Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
UK waters
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

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Sample data is provided for evaluations purposes only - TIF

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Marine Raster Charts XL

Familiar nautical raster chart which eXcludes Land (XL) for combining with land mapping of your choice.

Product Details

​OceanWise Marine Raster Charts XL
Electronic versions of familiar nautical paper charts but with land mapping excluded so that alternative land mapping may be combined for a preferred view.

Marine Raster Charts XL can be opened using any image viewer software and are geo-referenced for use in geographical information systems (GIS). These charts are ideal for applications where a set of familiar features and related symbology is required for reference or as a backdrop to other data.

Marine Raster Charts XL are available in different scales in different sea areas. They are available at Large Scale for estuaries and harbours (greater than 1:30 000), Medium Scale for coastal waters (1:30 000 to 1:150 000) and Small Scale for sea areas (Less than 1:150 000).

Supplied as half-degree tiles in GeoTIFF format at the largest scales available for whole chart areas or for a selected area of interest.  May also include smaller scale data (included in the price).

Not to be used for navigation.

Licence: PDF


Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
UK waters
From greater than 1:30 000 (harbours, ports) to less than 1:150 000 (sea areas)
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

Download Samples

Sample data is provided for evaluations purposes only.  This sample data is provided in two parts which combine to make a complete sample.

Part 1

Part 2

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Marine Geology

Indicates geological features of the seabed for UK Continental Shelf areas.

Product Details

OceanWise MTF Geology
Marine Themes Features Geology indicates geological units including bedrock features and seabed sediments for UK waters for use in GIS. The product contains Line and Polygon layers recorded at 1:250 000 scale, along with attribute information (e.g. data age, material composition, categories and source date).  Not to be used for navigation.

BGS Seabed Sediments 250k
Formerly known as BGS DiGSBS250k
British Geological Survey dataset at 1:250 000 scale indicating deposits which commonly form a veneer or superficial layer of unconsolidated material on the seabed. Sediments are mapped using ship-board geophysical surveys and the map is based on seabed grab samples of the top 0.1 m, combined with cores and dredge samples as available. Sediments are classified into 15 classes, according to the proportions of sand, gravel and mud present (modified Folk scale).

BGS Offshore Bedrock 250k
Formerly known as BGS DiGRock250k
British Geological Survey dataset at 1:250 000 scale indicating
the distribution of bedrock types in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) area.  Represents the natural continuation of the onshore bedrock geology into the offshore environment. The offshore bedrock geology was mapped using a range of remotely sensed and physical ground truthing data.

Technical Details

OceanWise Ltd and British Geological Survey
Update Cycle
UK Continental Shelf areas
1:250 000
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
Within 4 working hours

Related Products

Land mapping for Great Britain, including OS MasterMap.

Download Samples

Sample data is provided for evaluations purposes only.

Oceanwise MTF Geology - coming soon

BGS Seabed Sediments 250k - SHP

BGS Offsore bedrock 250k - coming soon.

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Marine Web Map Services

All the benefits of marine data at your finger tips without the burden or overhead of data management.

Product Details

OGC compliant web map services

  • Emapsite WMS Marine Themes Web Map Service

  • OceanWise WMTS Raster Charts

  • OceanWise WMS Raster Chart Web Map Service 

  • OceanWise WMS Raster Charts XL Oceans

COMING SOON - contact us for details!

Technical Details

Emapsite and OceanWise Ltd
Update Cycle
Formats Available
OGC compliant web map services
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
Contact us for details

Related Products

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Trials of web services available soon.  Contact us for details.

International Marine Mapping

Marine mapping products for other parts of the world, where international agreements permit.

Product Details

Marine Theme Vector and Raster Chart products may be available for other parts of the world depending on international agreements.

Please contact us for availability.

Technical Details

Update Cycle
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
On request

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No sample downloads are currently available for this product.