Contractor Link
Emapsite's Contractor Link makes data sharing easy.
Speeding up access to licensed data for your contractors - Emapsite Contractor Link removes the headaches for the Public Sector, Utilities, large Asset Portfolio managers, Housing Associations and their Contractors.

No more licensing red tape

It sounds too good to be true, but we know how valuable this may be to your organisation. Emapsite's Contractor Link gives fast, flexible access to definitive, licensed location mapping and data.
In short, Contractor Link makes it possible for many stakeholders to access the same resource quickly and easily - without needing to waste time on licensing administration. It's ideal for all kinds of project work, including planning, engineering and environmental applications.
Our self-service portal has been adopted by hundreds of Public Sector organisations already, all using their access to OS data under the PSGA mapping agreements, all benefiting from the zero red tape involved in sharing that resource among their contractors.
And Emapsite Contractor Link is now available to any large data user - government or commercial.