Products listing

Address Data

Find Site A product that represents a search for sites that match specific criteria
AddressBase™ Islands Address and property information for UK outside of GB, covering NI, IofMan and Channel Islands.
OS Points of Interest (PointX) Location-based directory of all public and privately-owned businesses, education and leisure services in Great Britain
OS Code-Point Open Provides coordinates for each 'postcode unit' in Great Britain.
AddressBase Royal Mail addresses matched to Local Authority records.
AddressBase Core The definitive source of address and property information.
AddressBase Plus Address data, including non postal addresses (e.g. ponds, telephone boxes)
AddressBase Premium Highly detailed address dataset for GB with 40 million addresses
OS Code-Point Coordinates for postcode units in Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
OS Code-Point with Polygons Geographic polygons outlining every postcode unit in Great Britain. 2024 - the leading provider of digital mapping content for professional users