About Emapsite

Location data clarity

Unlocking the power of geospatial data

We apply our expertise to support you in leveraging yours.

We deliver geospatial data and insight that others can't see, to help our customers build competitive advantage in their sector, whilst driving towards Net Zero. 

Our Values

We believe that the power of mapping
and location data is limitless.

  • - Customer-centric - we are an agile and flexible expert team, dedicated to excellence in customer experience.

  • - Innovative - Our story is one of deep expertise and continuous innovation to deliver competitive advantage for our customers.

  • - Sustainable - We are committed to sustainability as an organisation, and for our customers, through our solutions.



Our Solutions

Intuitive, scalable and sustainable

We have delivered differentiated value for the Insurance, Telecommunications, Energy, and Infrastructure industries for 20 years.

Our geospatial data driven solutions are intuitive, fit for purpose and scalable. Our Spatialise products and solutions deliver geospatial insight to locate and overcome some of the most challenging industry issues. We support our customers to anticipate risk, realise opportunities and accelerate digital transformation.

The deeper insight delivered by our solutions significantly enriches remote understanding and decision making, reducing travel time and environmental impact. Whether enhancing pricing models in Insurance; waste and asset management across Energy and Infrastructure, or 5G roll out for Telecommunications companies. 



Our People

Your expert partners

We are proud of our 20-year heritage of customer-driven innovation. We are a small and agile team of specialist location data experts, with deep cross sector expertise in Insurance, Telecommunications, Energy, and Infrastructure. 

Our holistic understanding and flexibility mean we can dynamically anticipate and respond to our customers’ current and future needs, enabling ongoing scalability to deliver on sustainable growth.

We can help - talk to us

We're proud to have a great team here at emapsite, all specialists in our fields. If you have a specific requirement or simply wish to understand how you and your business can harness the power that location intelligence can deliver, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  We'd be happy to help. 

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