
Air pollution data is critical and organisations can make smarter decisions based on knowing precisely where air pollution can be found - and in what concentrations.


Unrivalled accuracy

Nitrogen dioxide and tiny particulate matter pollutants (PM10 and PM2.5) are proven to cause many health conditions including asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. Exposure to air pollution is estimated to cause millions of deaths.

Access to address-level pollution data could transform your strategic decision-making.

We've got the data

At Spatialise, we simplify commercial access to air pollution data. 
We enable organisations to embed it within their systems, and we work closely with the Central Office of Public Interest to empower the AddressPollution dataset. It's an essential resource for everyone who has an interest in air quality, the environment, and policy-making around healthier lives.

AddressPollution authoritatively identifies levels of air pollution – for particulates from vehicle emissions, domestic heating emissions, wood burning, industry and farming – at every property address in Britain.


Specified and authoritative

AddressPollution provides air pollution readings for every address registered in emapsite's Addressible product (built on Royal Mail Postcode Address File, PAF) for each of the key pollutants. It also provides a standardised total and a percentile group score. This delivers a crucial depth of insight that cannot be achieved by analysing this data at only postcode level.

The results? Pollution guidelines are being exceeded in many area of Britain - and this dataset reveals by how much, and where.


Quick and easy access


AddressPollution is accessible as a Query-API service, feeding directly into the heart of organisational systems, or as a CSV file that's ready for use in any compatible software.

If you're interested in an authoritative dataset containing valuable, accessible data on air pollution then fill in the contact form below to request your sample.


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GU14 7JF
United Kingdom

Why Emapsite?