What is a block plan? All you need to know

What is a block plan?

Block plans are also called a site plan. If you’re involved in a house build, extension or house renovation and submitting a planning application, you’ll probably be asked for a block plan as part of this process.

How to create your block plan?

To start creating your block plan for your next planning application visit our simple planning app. You can create custom block plans though our ordering platform. Click the link below.


Our custom planning maps are 100% compliant
with current government planning guidelines.

We are a Licensed Ordnance Survey Partner

Examples of where block plans are required

Please find some examples of where block plans are required:

Planning applications

A block plan is required in a planning application. Planning applications is a request for permission to change what currently exists on a plot of land. It can be a physical development, such as a building, house or extension and it can also be the change of use of land or buildings.

Conservation area’s have different guidelines for what would be permitted development in other areas and usually require a planning permission.

Listed building and conservation area consent

If you own a listed building and want to make changes to it, such as an alteration or an extension, you will need a block plan to get listed building consent.

Prior notification planning applications

Prior Notification Applications are made if you’re extending an agricultural building, turning an office into a residential building, demolishing a building, installing renewable energy.

License applications

Entertainment licenses, market operator licenses or felling.

Land Registration application

If you’re making an application to register ownership of land.

You may also need a block plan if you are connecting utilities. If, for example, your property requires new or a change to the supply of utilities such as gas, electricity or water.

Quick guide to block plans

Free download

Download our 'Quick guide to block plans'. 


More information

- Click here to find out more about Maps for Planning Applications

- Click here to find out more about Site Plans

- Click here to find out more about Location Plans

Site/Block Plans & Location Plans

Site/Block Plans (at 1:500) and Location Plans (at 1:1250 scale) can be purchased from our online plans portal.



OS MasterMap PDF Location Plan

A plan at 1:1250 scale in PDF format tailored for submitting to your local authority for a range of planning applications

More info >

All Location Plans come complete with a north arrow and scale bar automatically. Your plan is free to edit after purchase. 

Location Plans are processed automatically and a PDF plan is emailed within minutes.

Unusually large plans are made available to download, which also typically takes just a few minutes.

Location Plan PDFs are ready to send to your local authority electronically and ready to print.

Licence: PDF

Technical Details

Ordnance Survey
Update Cycle
6 weekly
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
Within minutes

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OS MasterMap 1:1,250 Scale 4ha in Colour (A4)PDF

OS MasterMap 1:1,250 Scale Large Template in Colour (A4)PDF

OS MasterMap 1:1,250 Scale 2ha in Black & White (A4)PDF

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OS MasterMap PDF Site/Block Plan

A colour plan at 1:500 scale in PDF format tailored for submitting to your local authority for a range of planning applications.

More info >

All Site/Block Plans come complete with a north arrow and scale bar. Your plan is free to edit after purchase.

Site/Block Plans process automatically and are ready within minutes.

Unusually large plans are made available to download, which also typically takes just a few minutes.

Site/Block Plans are ready to send to your local authority electronically and ready to print.

Licence: PDF

Technical Details

Ordnance Survey
Update Cycle
6 weekly
Formats Available
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Stated Accuracy
Licence Options
Delivery Timescale
Within minutes

Related Products

OS MasterMap Topography LayerAerial Photography

Download Samples

OS MasterMap 1:500 Scale Block/Site Plan in Colour (A4): PDF

(Black & White also available)

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