The Challenges affecting Social Housing
How can we all work together to secure the future of the UK’s social housing and deliver the next generation of homes? To better manage and maximise existing assets and, as a recent report backed by 100 council landlords puts it, to “wake the sleeping giant of housebuilding”?
Emapsite has worked with the social housing sector for many years, delivering geospatial data that helps manage asset portfolios, improve efficiencies, drive cost savings, and provide more effective planning and design. Now part of Idox Plc., we offer increased scale and access to a wider portfolio of relevant products, including both data and software.
For example, groundMapper, which solves the historical issue of training staff on specialist mapping/GIS software or using outsourced managed services instead. The former is impractical, the latter is expensive. groundMapper is simple and intuitive – with easy data segmentation allowing multiple users, so you can really make the most of the data available.
Here are eight challenges affecting social housing today, and some ways Idox Geospatial might help visualise and solve them.
1. Development planning
According to the latest Regulator of Social Housing statistics, the number of homes for social rent in England fell by over 6000 in 2023. “Local authorities saw a fall of around 9000 homes for social rent, while private registered providers built, purchased or acquired around 3000, which partially offset the decline.”
Idox Geospatial helps housing associations have meaningful conversations with those providers much more quickly. We have all the latest data on land purchased for private development – from who owns what and where, to what’s there now, to what they plan to do.
Of course, every housing association is different. On average, we find most get 40% of new stock from private providers and 60% from their own development.
We help here also. In finding land for housing development, identifying constraints to that development, or assessing the cost of land remediation – and offering potential savings in the hundreds of thousands of pounds.
2. Grounds maintenance
Housing associations are responsible for more than houses. They have many miles of green spaces under their control.
Our data allows them to visualise every inch, so they can more effectively manage contracts and responsibilities for grounds maintenance.
We can also provide data on all trees over three metres – are they closing in on someone else’s boundary, are they dropping leaves in gutters and causing damp and mould problems? Something that’s very high on the social housing agenda right now.
3. Property management
All social housing providers must be able to report on the condition of their stock. Fully featured, this information is not only a legal requirement, but also of sizeable financial benefit: now you know how to prioritise and where to concentrate your maintenance efforts.
Idox Geospatial data products assess energy performance of housing stock, building condition and future investment plans for refurbishment. Review occupancy status and identify properties susceptible to damp and mould. Manage disposals and acquisitions, property maintenance contracts and efficient allocation of works orders.
4. ESG & sustainability
Lowering their carbon footprint and/or reaching net zero carbon emissions is important for housing associations. In terms of efficiency and sustainability, our data helps assess land and property potential for renewable energy – solar, heat pump, district heating networks, etc.
It is, of course, also an individual issue for households facing fuel poverty. We help here as well (see point 6).

5. Customer service
When people call their housing association, they want answers fast. If a branch has fallen, is that tree the association’s responsibility? If a kitchen needs repairing, is it already on the association’s maintenance schedule?
Instant access to the right data enables customer facing teams to easily pinpoint and efficiently respond to most issues, including fault reporting and anti-social behaviour events.
6. Fuel poverty
By integrating socio-economic data from the social housing provider with energy cost, EPC and building condition data, we can better target interventions. Quickly and accurately identifying which stock needs upgrading first. Helping in the wider fight against fuel poverty and – most importantly – making a massive difference to somebody who’s struggling to pay their bills.
7. Asset management
Providing housing associations and landlords with the big picture view of their asset risk is another thing Idox Geospatial data does brilliantly.
Extreme weather events are becoming more common. Knowing current and future flood risk and ground stability is vital. As is understanding which properties will have to be liquidated, which can be retrofitted, and what needs to be developed from scratch.
8. Profiling
In its Environmental Improvement Plan, the government pledged that everyone will have “access to green space or water within a 15-minute walk from their home” because of the positive health effects.
Therefore, we created a data set which drills down further than just proximity of green space, to quality of green space. We have data on access and facilities, so social housing providers can identify what sort of space their tenants are nearby. Allowing for informed decision-making about pocket parks or community garden provision.
We can also combine socio-economic data, for example deprivation, employment, crime and health patterns, with green space data. Providing a much deeper understanding of what improves quality of life.
And that really is working together to secure a better future for all.
To find out how geospatial can deliver insight and help you manage your portfolio, connect with Fiona Frost on LinkedIn or take a look at our website to find out how we support Housing Associations with accurate location data.
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