Emapsite SiteFinder

Find your competitive advantage with our land location and search tool

Start by finding the right sites

Imagine a land search service that you could customise to meet unique and detailed criteria that only you had access to, providing an untapped pipeline of sites.

With emapsite's site finding service you can identify all the development potential you need from the comfort of your office: custom search criteria, unrivalled location intelligence.

- Identify unique development site pipelines

- Unlock off-market sites with key data

- De-risk and manage your asset portfolio

- Repurpose redundant land

True proptech - location intelligence for property experts

As a business that’s been working with proptech for many years, we’ve identified a niche capability gap for property experts. Developers and housebuilders; asset owners looking to capitalise on future investments; investors; and regional strategic development experts who all need to identify land that’s suitable for a multiverse of different development reasons – they all have at least one thing in common.

Planners and developers want the freedom to assess myriad prospective development sites against a wide range of parameters, but the flexibility to pass their own judgement on suitability – using a trusted evidence-base to substantiate those decisions. It’s not just about ‘can I build on it’. It’s more about, ‘this is what I want to achieve, this is what I want to build, specifically. Now, find me a location that gives me a unique competitive advantage’.



SiteFinder is a customisable search tool: you won't need to know where to look, you'll only need to be certain of what you want to build.


"This is what I want to achieve, this is what I want to build, specifically. Now, find me a location that gives me a unique competitive advantage".

"As a property developer, what kind of pipeline do you need? What's the timescale, which criteria would give you the best possible advantages in searching for suitable sites? Is it proximity to social housing, distance from transport nodes, education facilities, crime? Emapsite SiteFinder uses spatial analytics - correlating and interrogating the many data sources we have at our disposal - to find land that might have been missed in a traditional search.

Get in touch with your requirements - we're here to help"

Daniel Slater
Director, Emapsite

Contact Daniel by email now

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