Contractor Link - More information
Contractor Link is a self-service mapping portal which gives contractors fast and flexible access to pre-licensed mapping.
It enables the management, processing and distribution of 3 data sources.
- Any pre-licensed data, such as that licensed by the Ordnance Survey under the PSMA/OSMA or indeed any independent commercial licences with UK mapping agencies or private companies.
- It also supports a huge library of Open Data such as Natural England environmental constraints data, the Environment Agency flood data and plenty of other sources such as DCLG green belt polygons.
- Finally Contractor Link can support the data management an organisation’s own data too. This may include survey data, remote sensed points or polygons, or other location data captured as part of an organisation’s business processes.
The licence holder and owner retains control and full visibility over the access to their library of data, whilst enabling contractors to download the data for the location(s) they need in a choice of application ready formats to keep an organisation’s projects moving.
Sub-Contractor Process:
To make a request click 'Start' on the Contractor Link homepage. Once you have entered the details of the project and selected the relevant client, you will be prompted to search location, mark-up your project area in the emapsite mapshop and select the mapping products required. You will not be charged for licenced data and a Service Charge from £25 per project request will apply to cover emapsite administration costs. We will then send an automated request for authorisation for the chosen products and will advise you electronically of the result of that request.
If you would like to discuss this process in more detail, or you have any further questions, please call emapsite Customer Support on 0118 973 6883 or email
Contractor Frequently Asked Questions
Which data is available through Contractor Link?
Data availability is subject to individual customer licencing and is visible in the licenced data menu online.
When would I use Contractor Link?
If you are a contractor bidding for or working on either a public sector or commercial project and you have a requirement for project specific mapping data, you can apply to access that data via Contractor Link if your customer is already licenced.
How do I obtain the necessary permissions to access that data?
Once you have supplied the project details and selected the data sets you wish to access, the details will be submitted automatically to the relevant customer for authorisation.
How quickly can I download the data once the initial request is authorised?
You will be notified via email as soon as the data has been authorised and you will then be able to download your data from our website within a few minutes.
In which format is the data delivered?
You can download the data in a choice of vector (DWG, SHP, TAB and GML) or standard image (jpg, bmp, tiff, png) formats
Why does some of the data show as having a cost attached?
Only mapping data already licensed by your client and hosted by emapsite can be provided at no cost. However, you are able to purchase other data at our usual rates as part of the same project process.
How much does the service cost?
As a contractor you will pay a Service Charge from £25+VAT per project request to cover emapsite administration costs. Larger volumes of data will also be subject to a Variable Charge based on the order value of the data purchased. This Variable Charge is calculated at 1% of total product order values. Where the Variable Charge exceeds £150 you will be prompted to contact emapsite to discuss the options.
Why is there a Variable Charge?
In order to account for the wide variation in types and sizes of request we have put in place a Variable Charge to ensure that users are only charged fairly in relation to the data that they require.
What are the advantages of using Contractor Link?
The Contractor Link process is quick and easy to set up as soon as the need for specific project data arises. The online system means you are no longer reliant on manual processes involving paperwork and data having to be sourced and delivered by your client. Easy and swift access to up to date mapping data, in a choice of formats, significantly reduces the workload for both you and your client, reducing costly delays and increasing efficiencies.
Can I rely on emapsite?
A Licensed Partner of Ordnance Survey and other leading data suppliers, emapsite has a proven track record in delivering geographic data to thousands of regular clients in the contractor marketplace for over 10 years.
Licence Holder Frequently Asked Questions
Who pays for the service?
The contractor pays a service fee to access your licenced mapping data mapping. There is no cost to the Licence Holder unless you choose to pay a subscription service, at which point the service charge to the contractor is waived.
Can I track the use of my data through Contractor Link?
We give you the tools that ensure you have 100% control. You authorise/deny access on a project by project basis, while we create an auditable, easy to use record.
Once I authorise the initial request, how long before the data is accessible?
The contractor will be able to download your data within a few minutes of authorisation.
Can I rely on emapsite?
A Licensed Partner of Ordnance Survey and other leading data suppliers, emapsite has a proven track record in delivering geographic data to thousands of regular clients in the contractor marketplace for over 10 years.