Quick Guide to Licensing

Great location data is rich in content. Just like a TV licence, you need permission to access that value. Licences must be up to date, but as every data provider has slightly different arrangements, this can be an admin challenge.

This essential guide will help you get started if you’re unsure about licensing. Remember we’re always happy to help you navigate the licensing minefield.




The Key Points

> When you’re buying maps and location data online, you’re buying a licence to use that information – you don’t own the underlying dataset.

> Even though the language is complex, licences are always clear on who can use the data and what it can be used for. We can help you understand them.

> Whoever the provider, most licences can be bought on a per user basis. What’s important, is you know how many people in your organisations will be using the information – and that licence purchases aren’t duplicated.

> Some licences don’t involve a financial transaction – they simply protect the integrity of the data on the provider’s behalf.

> Developer Licences are usually ideal for teams bringing a product to market. They often incur no costs at all up to the point of commercialisation.

> Enterprise Licences are for organisations that use map data extensively across their organisation. Check in with our team to make sure your Enterprise Licence is as cost-effective as it can be (we may know a way to reduce your costs).

> Licences usually included details about copyright statements that should be included on licensed data or mapping.

> Most licensing is for 12 months, but some datasets may be licensed for longer periods. The price per annum is typically lower for longer licences.

How do Emapsite licences work?

Buying data via our Mapshop covers you for Corporate Internal Business Use. That means all your teams can use the information we’re supplying, but so too can your sub-contractors who are working on exactly the same project.

You can also sub-license that data, under our Standard Form Contractor Licence. Sub-contractors should be declared from the outset, and you must delete copies on or before the licence ends, but you may keep one paper copy for archival purposes.

You can also tell us another user will be the end user of data you’re licensing. We then send renewals to them, instead of you. You’ll pass the data on once the project is finished, but must delete your own copy.

If you don’t tell us there’s an end user or a sub-contractor involved, then you can use the data for anything at all under our Corporate Internal Business Use licensing, but you mustn’t supply the actual data itself to any third parties.




Let us help you navigate the licensing minefield

We love location data, but we admit, it’s not the easiest thing to work with. However, our licensing team might be able to save you time and money.

We’re on your side because we know access to the right data delivers true value. Contact us any time, we’re here to help.


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