Introducing LandPack Climate

A suite of climate-related datasets designed to empower your decision-making.


Strategic insight 

Every good decision starts with the best available information. Our LandPack Climate products bring together quality, constantly-updated data from a wide range of leading suppliers, in a comprehensive – and easy-to-use – product suite.  

Be better informed about present and future risks from climate-related factors such as flooding and subsidence. Discover new and often overlooked opportunities with geospatial data and insight. Enhance the accuracy, depth and integrity of your ESG reporting. 

The LandPack Climate suite delivers easy access to the right information in the right format at the right time.  

Vital awareness for climate change response

Geospatial intelligence and data can empower your sustainability efforts. From risk reduction to energy efficiency, water and flood to subsidence and air pollution. From planning for business continuity, to the successful assessment of – and reporting on financial exposure to – climate risk depends on transparent insights, sharable data, and access to authoritative ESG information.

See tomorrow as clearly as today 

We create and curate innovative data packages that deliver geospatial data mapping across a diverse range of critical concerns. The LandPack products are seamlessly blended datasets that provide a rich, 360° picture of the landscape. Helping you to get from data to insight to action quicker than the competition.

Plus, by using geodata algorithms that interrogate how things are today and how they’ve changed, we can help you see how they will be tomorrow. Identify future risks and opportunities, and make strategic decisions that will enable you to get ahead of the game and put business continuity or expansion plans in place. 

Right information, right format, more quickly

From ownership to tenure, flood risk to green access, Emapsite’s LandPack products provide easy access to commonly-required geospatial information in the format that works for you. Save time and money.   

Cross-reference HM Land Registry and EPC data with property insights, or scrutinise flood risk blended with climate data, for example. Get the information you need at a granular level – designed for sectors including environmental consulting, energy, infrastructure, insurance, investment, utilities, land and property, and more.  

Emapsite LandPack Climate Suite

A range of climate-related datasets, created by Emapsite to help you get from data to insight to action quicker than the competition.


LandPack HMLR Land Ownership & Insight

Emapsite’s LandPack HM Land Registry products add value into HMLR data by introducing energy performance data as well as other property insights. Our combined datasets are ideal for risk work, site planning, ESG activities, asset management, analysis and business intelligence. 

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LandPack GreenAccess

Emapsite GreenAccess evaluates the quality of green space available to urban residential property across Great Britain. A score is given to each property, enabling you to see the variations of access to quality green space across an area, or of a portfolio of properties.

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LandPack FloodNow & FloodOutlook

LandPack FloodNow and LandPack FloodOutlook are Query APIs created by Emapsite, using Ambiental's FloodScore Climate dataset to provide an overview of flood hazard at a specific location – a snapshot, rather than the fully detailed view that comes with the entire dataset.

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LandPack AddressPollution

LandPack AddressPollution authoritatively identifies levels of air pollution – for particulates from vehicle emissions, domestic heating emissions, wood burning, industry and farming – at every property address in Britain.

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