New LandPack Climate APIs - FloodNow, FloodOutlook

Ambiental’s FloodScore™ Climate is the gold standard for flood risk data, but it can be a burden to host and manage that large dataset within your business – particularly if you don’t need all that detail.

FloodNow API and FloodOutlook API are two new APIs that we have added to Emapsite's LandPack Climate suite,  simplifying that complex dataset for businesses working with property- or postcode-based flood risk insights.    

  • - Lower the cost of flood hazard screening.
  • - Reduce your overheads, licensing and data-costs.
  • - Remove the dataset maintenance and management.

Why use FloodNow and FloodOutlook APIs?

Ambiental’s FloodScore™ Climate forecasts property level risk in the UK, from river, tidal or flash flooding. But it’s a large dataset. It takes time and money to host that amount of data with confidence.

FloodNow and FloodOutlook provide an overview of flood hazard at a specific location – a snapshot, rather than the fully detailed view that comes with the entire dataset.

  • - Quite simply, Emapsite’s LandPack Climate FloodNow and FloodOutlook APIs reduce the investment needed to deliver a snapshot of that high quality data.
  • - As the API tariff is calls-based, costs can be value-linked from the outset – making FloodNow and  FloodOutlook ideal for screening customer-focussed flood risk data.
  • - Reduce your initial outlay, assess the situation, refocus your business resources.

Ideal for insurers, re-insurers, mortgage lenders, property owners and facilities managers working with large scale, property- or postcode-based flood risk insights. 

FloodNow API

FloodNow API is our XML Query API, tasking Ambiental’s medium emissions scenario data (RCP6.0) to return a snapshot of postcode and property-level flood risk insights for the present-day.

  • - No hosting costs, no admin, no risk from large-scale data management

  • - Property-level insights for undefended flood risk in the current day

  • - All licensing and access fees included on a transaction-based tariff

  • - Ambiental FloodScore™ Climate data externally hosted by Emapsite

  • - Ideal for insurers, lenders, property owners and facilities managers

FloodOutlook API

FloodOutlook API is an XML Query API that tasks Ambiental’s medium emissions data (RCP6.0) to return a snapshot of postcode and property-level flood risk insights for 2027, 2055, and 2093.

  • - No hosting costs, no admin, no risk from large-scale data management

  • - Property-level insights for undefended flood risk in the current day

  • - All licensing and access fees included on a transaction-based tariff

  • - Ambiental FloodScore™ Climate data externally hosted by Emapsite

  • - Ideal for insurers, lenders, property owners and facilities managers

How do the APIs work?

FloodNow API and FloodOutlook API return queries from Ambiental’s FloodScore™ Climate data. That data is hosted, refreshed and managed by Emapsite – reducing the cost of analysis and eliminating all potential errors from large-scale flood risk data management.

Set Up

You’ll receive an API-key for configuring with inhouse software applications.

  • - Coverage: whole of GB
  • - 12 month subscription
  • - Data refreshed monthly
  • - Same day fulfilment

Contact us for more information, and to book a demo.

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